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Malawi: First Lady Urges Malawian Women to Utilise Cancer Screening Services to Save Lives

Malawi First Lady Madam Gertrude Mutharika has urged Malawian women to periodically go for cancer screening to save their lives. Speaking in Lilongwe on Sunday when she participated in the.

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Malawi Changes Law to End Child Marriage

Malawi has made a historic amendment to its constitution to fully outlaw child marriage following a year-long campaign by youth groups and organisations including Plan International. The amendment to fully.

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Sudan: Al-Basher Lauds Sudanese Woman General Union

President of the Republic, Field Marshal, Omer Al-Basher has lauded the outstanding role being played by the Sudanese Woman General Union to support the country’s political, economic and social issues..

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Tanzania: 4,148 Girls Rescued From FGM as 1,473 Fall Victim

By Anthony Mayunga A total of 1,473 girls out of the 5,621 who were lined up for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Serengeti District, underwent FGM during the circumcision season.

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Tanzania: New Initiative to Save Forests Aims at Empowering Women

  By Meddy Mulisa Bukoba — Dativa Kaimukirwa (24) looks knackered but manages to smile as she speaks to reporters outside her hut at Rukoma village, in Bukoba Rural district..

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UN: Harmful Traditional Practice of Female Genital Mutilation Must End

Leading United Nations and humanitarian organizations have called for an end to female genital mutilation, a traditional practice that causes physical harm and extreme emotional trauma to tens of millions.

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First Ladies Urged to Continue Advocacy in Addressing Root Causes of Problems

African First Ladies should advocate changes in attitude and cultural norms as well as removal of legal and political barriers that stand in the way of the continent’s transformation, Ethiopia’s.

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African Governments Urged to Repeal Discriminatory Laws against Women

The Africa Ministerial Pre-Consultative Meeting on the 61st Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 61st) on the theme “Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work” opened in.

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