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Zimbabwean First Lady Honoured With Ambassadorial Role

The First Lady of Zimbabwe, Auxilia Mnangagwa, has promised to fight maternal death by ensuring efficient utilisation of available resources. She has officially accepted the ambassadorial role accorded to her.

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President Hage Geingob to receive African Excellence Award for Gender

The President of the Republic of Namibia, His Excellency Dr. Hage Geingob will receive the African Excellence Award for Gender today, 5th of June, 2018 in the presence of Her.

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New Miss South Africa Pledges to Contribute to The Rebuilding of a Better Country

23-year-old Tamaryn Green, who was recently crowned Miss South Africa at the country’s Capital city, Pretoria has pledged to contribute to the rebuilding of a better country. Ms. Green, who.

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Angola: Women’s Parliamentary Group Suggests Strengthened Gender Approach Using SADC Protocol

During a parliamentary workshop in Luanda on “Experimenting with a gender-sensitive inspection model”, promoted by the Angolan Women’s Parliamentary Group of the National Assembly, the Head of the Group, Luísa.

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South Sudan: Women Activists Demand Peace, Participation in Peace Processes

During a recently held peace forum in Addis Ababa, in an attempt to jump-start a peace process, women activists from South Sudan called for an end to conflict in the.

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Africa: International Institution Declares First Cohort of Women in Climate Change Science Fellows

In efforts to sustainable societal response to climate change and also build women participation in offering best solutions in that wise, the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in collaboration with.

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Kenya: GE, SHOFCO Partners to Close the Wide Gap in STEM

In pursuit of closing the wide gap in terms of women’s participation in STEM related careers, for growth and development of the African continent, General Electric has entered partnership with.

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Malawi President Reiterates His Administration’s Efforts Towards Gender Equality

Gender equality in Malawi is about to take a different and positive turn, following the presidency’s promise to commit more to the improvement of gender equality and women empowerment in.

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