Uganda: Education Ministry Launches Sex Education Guide for All Schools

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Following the negative reports on school student misconducts in Uganda, the Ministry of Education have released a framework on sexuality education, to be made available to all stakeholders as a guide for instilling knowledge and character in the children as regards sex education.

Detailed in the Ministry’s Statement, it reads: “The ministry recognises sexuality education as a very important component of school health education programmes as a way to empower young people with information and life skills that are age appropriate, culturally and religious sensitive, and that enable them to make safe and healthy life choices.”

According to Mr. Ismail Mulindwa, Commissioner-in-charge of private schools, who oversaw the formulation of the framework, he said the guidelines will serve as a tool for the public in teaching sexuality education.

The Guide launch has been schedule to hold at Kampala, with an attendance of Parents and the First Lady and Education Minister as the chief guest.

With 33 per cent of the country’s population below the age of 19, the Ministry noted that they have a potential to drive and transform the economy if supported.

“Government noted that there was still a wide gap in effective delivery of sexuality education in the country and lack of written material dealing with standards for providing sexuality education. This resulted in different materials, mainly developed from outside Uganda to be wholly or partially adapted to fit the context of the country, without the knowledge and approval by government,” reads part of the statement. 

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