The Role of Agenda 2063 in Africa’s Development Strategy

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The demand and expectation for Africa to reach its economic and development potentials have increased in recent years. This demand has emanated mostly from young Africans. Education and globalization have made them aware of the immeasurable potential of the continent. This demand has urged African leaders back to the drawing board to re-strategize their mode of operation.


In light of the need for a more sustainable way to meet the development demands of the continent, the African Union (AU), in 2013, came together and launched the Agenda 2063. Designed as a blueprint for every member state of the African Union towards achieving sustainable development and transforming the continent into a global powerhouse.


Agenda 2063 is a comprehensive strategic framework aimed at transforming the continent within the next fifty years, starting from 2013. The agenda which promotes economic growth, sustainable development, and social progress is a manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, freedom, and collective prosperity.


Agenda 2063 emphasizes the utmost need for economic growth through infrastructure development. Economic growth being one of the eight goals of Agenda 2063 underscores the need for initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) which are aimed at boosting intra-African trade. The agenda is fast-tracking the implementation of policies across African countries to facilitate the implementation of these kinds of initiatives across Africa to improve trade between African nations. Countries like Ethiopia and Rwanda have made promising strides in this regard and the rest of Africa are expected to follow not far behind.


Agenda 2063 advocates quality education and skills development across every African nation, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Education is a crucial element in ushering Africa into the new world and preparing its labour force for a highly competitive global market. The agenda also highlights key sectors that can be improved to meet the educational requirements of the continent.


Health is another crucial area that the Agenda 2063 focuses on. Ensuring standard healthcare and social inclusion is important in ensuring a prosperous Africa. Through this agenda, Africa can achieve universal health coverage and address social inequalities, combating notorious diseases like; malaria, cholera, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, which disrupt the life expectancy within the continent.


Through the Agenda 2063, some social disparities will be addressed. Gender disparities, and provisions for special needs Africans will be improved upon, breaking the barriers and promoting equality in economic and political participation.


Governance and political structure are influential aspects in achieving this agenda. With emphasis on the need for sustainable conflict resolution and democratic governance across Africa. The security threats and conflict regions within Sahel Africa are interrupting the socio-economic development of the region and are destroying the lives of millions. This agenda stipulates measures that should be undertaken by the country in question and the African Union in quelling conflicts and wars. It also serves as a model of good governance in addressing corruption, and political instability within the continent.


Agenda 2063 recognizes the need for sustainable management of natural resources and adaptation to climate change for Africa’s future development. The Great Green Wall project is one of the projects that demonstrate Africa’s commitment to climate-friendly development even as deforestation, desertification, and water scarcity threaten its progress. The solar power initiatives in North Africa and further investments in renewable energy across the continent show the continent’s commitment to climate change.

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Within the first decade of Agenda 2063, Africa has made significant strides in economic growth, infrastructure development and social progress. These achievements can be traced to efforts by singular nations. Spreading these achievements across the continent remains a mountainous task as the difference in economic and political policies among border countries limits the actualization of Agenda 2063.


Security stability and conflict regions are another major hindrance in the actualization of Agenda 2063. Intra-African collaboration and partnership should be facilitated in a bid to curb the insecurity and conflicts aching the continent. Partnerships with the private sector, NGOs and international organizations should also be encouraged to bring about technological advancements to facilitate security operatives and inclusive growth.

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