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International Day of Charity: Tackling Poverty, Education, and Health in Africa

As the world marks the United Nations International Day of Charity on 5th September, attention shifts to the critical role of charity in addressing some of Africa’s most pressing issues:.

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Art Ownership and Cultural Representation Issues in Africa

The ownership of art and the representation of culture have become focal points of global discourse, particularly concerning African artefacts. These discussions frequently raise ethical questions about the possession of.

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The Rise of African-International Film Collaborations

African cinema, with its roots stretching back to the early 20th century, has traditionally operated within the confines of local markets. The film industry was for decades a global endeavour..

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A Walk Through the Edgelands of African Education

While major urban centers often receive the spotlight for their educational advancements, the edgelands—rural and peri-urban areas on the fringes of these centers provide a compelling narrative of resilience, innovation,.

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Africa’s Progress in Addressing Out-of-school Children

Despite education being the foundation of a thriving society, millions of African children are still denied the chance to learn and develop, missing out on a vital opportunity for growth..

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Africa’s Adventure Tourism Thrills

Africa as a continent is where your pulse races, a cradle of humanity, not just a land of captivating wildlife and breathtaking landscapes; it’s a playground for adrenaline junkies and.

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Movies For National Development

There is a popular saying that films are a reflection of society, yes, this is true but films not only reflect society, but they can also change it by telling.

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Africa: Egypt, Ethiopia and Ghana to Benefit From ‘Technology Enabled Open School for All’ Project

Egypt and two other African countries will be benefiting from a project dubbed “Technology-enabled Open School for All” project meant to transform the future of schools’ systems and learning through.

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