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Africa’s Fragmented Nations and the Quest for Unity

Africa, a region endowed with riches and cultural diversity, remains shackled by the invisible chains of colonial boundaries. The continent’s 54 nations, arbitrarily carved by European imperialists at the Berlin.

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The Role of Intra-African Trade in Boosting Agricultural Productivity

Agriculture remains the backbone of Africa’s economy, employing a significant portion of the population and contributing substantially to the continent’s GDP. However, the sector faces numerous challenges, from low productivity.

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The Future of Trade: Africa’s Transport Networks

Africa is teeming with opportunities for trade, investment, and innovation. Logistics is instrumental in facilitating these trades, effectively connecting businesses across diverse markets. Despite the promise of economic potential, inadequate.

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BRICS Banknote: The Implications Banknote on Intra-African Trade

The BRICS group—initially comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—has introduced a new BRICS banknote to enhance economic cooperation among its member states. This banknote, intended as an alternative.

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Africa’s first Intra-African Trade Fair records $27b deals

Africa’s economic landscape is looking very promising indeed, thanks to investors who signed over $27billlion investment deals with countries within the continent. The event was at the inaugural Intra-African Trade.

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AU Highlights Need to Boost Intra-African Trade

The African Union (AU) highlighted on Tuesday the need to urgently seek ways to boost trade through the active participation of member states in regional development projects. In this regard,.

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