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The Influx of Foreign Investment Boosting Africa’s Economic Growth

According to the IMF’s latest Coordinated Direct Investment Survey, released on 20 February 2025, global FDI rebounded in 2023 after a slight decline, soaring to an all-time high of $41.

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Africa Beyond Aid: Rethinking the Development Framework

For decades, Africa has been the world’s largest recipient of foreign aid. From humanitarian relief to economic development assistance, billions of dollars have flowed into the continent with the aim.

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The Digital Currency Debate and Africa’s Readiness for Cashless Economies

The transition from cash-heavy economies to digital transactions is no longer a question of “if” but “when.” The debate over digital currencies, including central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and mobile.

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Who is Financing Africa’s Infrastructure Boom?

Africa is undergoing an infrastructure revolution, a transformation reshaping its economic trajectory and development prospects. Roads are being paved where none existed, power grids illuminate once-darkened villages, and railways are.

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Africa’s G20 Membership: Gain or Mere Symbolism?

Africa has achieved a historic footprint by becoming a permanent member of the G20 Summit; a significant moment in the continent’s global engagement.   In September 2023, the African Union.

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Africa’s Supply Chain in the Face of Global Challenges

Africa’s supply chain landscape faces unprecedented challenges alongside transformative opportunities as the continent grows economically and becomes increasingly integrated into the global economy. Factors such as climate change, geopolitical tensions,.

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How COVID-19 Reshaped Intra-African Economic Dynamics

The year 2020 was pivotal as the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the globe, and Africa was not exempt from its effects. Although the impact on the continent was arguably less.

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International Day of Rural Women: Celebrating Africa’s Agricultural Backbone

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” This is an excellent quote that captures the resilience of rural women across Africa. Each.

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How Peace Initiatives in Africa are Driving Economic Development

“Peace is not merely the absence of conflict, but the presence of conditions that allow for growth and prosperity.” – Nelson Mandela As Africa stands at the crossroads of rapid.

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Can Africa Meet Up 2030 SGD’s Agenda Amidst Debt Servicing?

As Africa strives to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, it faces a pressing dilemma: reconciling its significant debt burden with the imperative of accelerating development. With an external debt.

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