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Africa’s Progress in Muzzling Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons

The fight against the proliferation of illicit small arms and light weapons (SALW) has been an essential component of Africa’s efforts to promote peace, stability, and economic growth in the.

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Soaring Over Antananarivo: Madagascar’s Cable Car Revolution

Madagascar, an island nation situated off the southeastern coast of Africa, has embarked on a pioneering initiative to revolutionize urban mobility in its capital city, Antananarivo, by launching a cutting-edge.

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Africa’s Top 10 Airlines in 2024

Airlines are the lifeblood of a connected world, playing a crucial role in both global and regional economies. By transporting people and goods across vast distances, they act as a.

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Emerging Trends in Educational Leadership for African Schools

African countries are striving to improve access to quality education and equip future generations with the skills needed to thrive amidst growing technological advancements. This necessitates a shift in educational.

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CPPI’s Top 10 Seaports in Africa

When one talks about global trade, the shipping and maritime sector is first to mind. According to the International Chambers of Shipping, over 90% of goods are transported by ship..

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Impact of Single-use Plastic Ban on Nigeria’s Economy and Industry

Nigeria has declared a future ban on single-use plastics, starting with government offices and extending nationwide from January next year. This follows concern over Nigeria’s increasing plastic pollution, which sees.

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2024 Electronic Communication Regulation Draft: Implications for Africa’s Digital Security

The Electronic Communication (Security Measures) Regulation 2024 represents a breakthrough for Africa in the global quest for advanced digital security. With the regulation’s introduction, Africa joins the ranks of countries.

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Manchester Meltdown: How a Power Outage Rippled Through Global Travel

Power outages and electricity cuts are issues associated with most developing and underdeveloped countries in the world. These problems are alien to developed countries, which is a grounding reminder of.

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International Day of the Seafarers: Safety and Security in African Waters

June 25 is a day marked out by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to celebrate seafarers and their contribution to global trade. The Day of the Seafarer was adopted by.

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UNHCR vs Rwanda: What does this mean for Africa

UNHCR vs Rwanda: What does this mean for Africa The surge of refugees from conflict zones in Africa has forced neighboring countries to open their borders to people fleeing these.

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