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Alleviating Hunger: The Politics of Food Subsidies in Africa

Food insecurity continues to plague Africa, with millions of people struggling with hunger and malnutrition despite concerted efforts by governments and international organizations. To effectively address this pressing issue, a.

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Is Africa the Unspoken Pillar of European Currency and Economy

The economic ties between Africa and Europe are multifaceted. While often portrayed as a one-way street of aid and resources flowing from Europe to Africa, the reality is different. Africa.

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African Child Development: Why it Matters

The development of children in Africa can never be over-emphasized even though it has remained a pressing issue that has far-reaching implications for the continent’s future.   Malala Yousafzai, a.

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Africa’s Progress in Muzzling Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons

The fight against the proliferation of illicit small arms and light weapons (SALW) has been an essential component of Africa’s efforts to promote peace, stability, and economic growth in the.

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15 Strategic Lessons from Africa’s Thriving Tourism Sector

No longer a sleeping giant, Africa’s tourism sector has awakened to a surge in tourist arrivals, fueled by the continent’s magnificent landscapes, diverse cultures, and abundant wildlife. The World Travel.

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Mauritius Takes Top Spot in Human Freedom Index

The latest Human Freedom Index (HFI) has revealed a fascinating picture of Africa’s freedom landscape, with Mauritius emerging as the continent’s leader in personal and economic freedom. The island nation,.

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CPPI’s Top 10 Seaports in Africa

When one talks about global trade, the shipping and maritime sector is first to mind. According to the International Chambers of Shipping, over 90% of goods are transported by ship..

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2024 Electronic Communication Regulation Draft: Implications for Africa’s Digital Security

The Electronic Communication (Security Measures) Regulation 2024 represents a breakthrough for Africa in the global quest for advanced digital security. With the regulation’s introduction, Africa joins the ranks of countries.

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UNHCR vs Rwanda: What does this mean for Africa

UNHCR vs Rwanda: What does this mean for Africa The surge of refugees from conflict zones in Africa has forced neighboring countries to open their borders to people fleeing these.

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Africa’s Journey towards a Solar-Powered Future

Africa faces a significant energy challenge. Despite being home to about 17% of the world’s population, the continent accounts for only 4% of global electricity use. Nearly 600 million Africans.

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