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AfDB calls for bridging of Africa’s capital, bankable projects

The Africa Development Bank (AfDB) says there is the need to bridge the gap between Africa’s available capital and bankable projects since it requires between 600 and billion dollars annually.

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AfDB injects $266 million into Rwanda’s electricity expansion project

The African Development Bank has approved a loan of $266 million to support Rwanda’s program to improve electricity supply reliability and expand access to electricity as part of a drive.

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AfDB seeks partners to lift one billion people out of hunger globally

The African Development Bank has called on global partners to join hands to lift one billion people worldwide out of hunger and said it was leading the way by investing.

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AfDB supports Ghana’s Renewable Energy Sector with $1.5m grant

The African Development Bank has approved a US$1.5 million grant from its Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA), to assist Ghana’s s renewable energy investment drive. The grant will support.

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Liberia: AfDB approves $1m to boost private sector in wood industry

The African Development Bank’s Fund for African Private Sector Assistance (FAPA), has approved a grant of US $1 million to Liberia, to provide technical assistance to its fast-growing wood processing.

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AfDB invests €84 million in Cameroon livestock and fish farming

The African Development Bank Group has extended a loan of €84 million to Cameroon to support livestock and fish production in the central African country in line with the Bank’s.

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AfDB commits to support Equatorial Guinea’s agro industry plan

The African Development Bank group has committed to support Equatorial Guinea’s economic diversification into agro-industry and a program of capacity building to foster public policies. The commitment followed the Bank.

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African Nations Should Borrow Closer To Home- AFDB President Says

African governments in the grip of Eurobond fever should look closer to home to secure financing vital to their economic development as borrowing costs on international debt markets rise, the.

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African Development Bank (AfDB) and China Set Up $2 Billion Fund

The Chinese government and the African Development Bank have entered a new $2-billion (about Rwf 1.5 trillion) financing agreement setting up an Africa-wide investment vehicle dubbed, “Africa Growing Together Fund.”.

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African Development Bank Group (AFDB) Approves $24m Budget Support Loan for Cape Verde

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group on Wednesday, approved a €15-million ($24 million) general budget support loan for Cape Verde, to help the country finance its.

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