Political Gender Representation in Zambia: Successes and Challenges

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Zambian politics has been mainly dominated by men. Despite boasting a population of over 51% women, Zambia faces a persistent struggle to achieve equitable gender representation in its political sphere. The journey towards increased gender representation began in earnest after Zambia’s independence in 1964. It wasn’t until the 1990s that significant strides were made. The introduction of a multiparty system in 1991 provided a more conducive environment for advocating gender equality.


In 1996, the Zambian government adopted the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Gender and Development Protocol, committing to achieving a 30% representation of women in decision-making positions by 2005. While this target was not met, it spurred efforts to increase women’s political participation.


A report by the Zambia MDGs highlighted the country’s poor performance regarding female political representation, with women occupying only 6.3% of local council seats. According to a study by the Non-Governmental Gender Organizations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC), many women face resistance from their families and communities when they express interest in politics. This resistance is rooted in the belief that politics is a male domain and that women who participate in politics are neglecting their traditional role.


Lack of financial resources often hinders women’s ability to compete effectively in elections. Campaigning can be expensive, and women may struggle to secure funding compared to their male counterparts. Political parties also play a crucial role.  Research by the Zambia National Women’s Lobby (ZNWL) suggests that a lack of strong internal party structures to support female candidates remains a significant barrier.


However, there have been advancements. As of 2021, women hold 20.5% of parliamentary seats, a modest increase from 13.9% in 2015 – UNDP Zambia. This rise, though gradual, reflects growing awareness of the importance of women’s voices in shaping policy.


READ ALSO: Women in Somalia: Challenges and Resilience


To bridge the gender gap in Zambian politics, a multi-pronged approach is necessary. Implementing gender quotas in political parties and government institutions would ensure a minimum number of seats are reserved for women.  Several African countries, like Rwanda and Senegal, have successfully implemented quotas.


Civic education campaigns aimed at fostering cultural change are also crucial.  Educating both men and women about the importance of gender equality in politics can help dismantle traditional norms that discourage women’s participation.  Additionally, providing financial and logistical support to female candidates can level the playing field and empower them to compete more effectively.


Political parties must also play a proactive role by establishing clear pathways for women’s participation within their structures. This includes mentorship programs, capacity building workshops, and ensuring women have a strong voice in decision-making processes.

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