Search Results for: "AfCFTA"

Unbundling Zanzibar’s blue tourism tentacles

Zanzibar, a beautiful archipelago hidden in the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean, is brimming with undiscovered gems for travellers looking for a one-of-a-kind and enchanting experience. Zanzibar has emerged.

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Reevaluating Governance Style in Africa for Progress

The style of government in many nations, irrespective of the continent, goes a long way towards affecting a nation’s development. Africa is a continent that has not been left out.

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The Rise of Africa’s Trade and the Need for Aid

It’s a little-known fact that the United Kingdom pays for and distributes billions of condoms throughout Africa. It’s part of a long-standing commitment to combat the spread of HIV Aids..

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10 Recent Heads of Government visits to Ghana and what they said

Ghana, a country located in West Africa, has been a destination for diplomatic visits from heads of government around the world in recent years. These visits have helped to strengthen.

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Unlocking Africa’s Fortunes Through Trade – Wamkele Mene

Secretary-General, African Continental Free Trade Area, speaks ALM Building the world’s largest single trade market is undoubtedly an uphill task, but managing the interest of about 54 countries while at.

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Formation of the OAU and its metamorphosis into the AU

THE EMBLEM OF OAU AND AU The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was founded to encourage solidarity and togetherness among African nations however, the African Union (AU) replaced the OAU.

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Nigeria’s Rice production strategy and impact on Africa’s free trade agreement

  Adjudged as the largest rice mill in Sub-Saharan Africa and one of the largest in the world, the Imota rice mill in Lagos, Nigeria launched in January this year.

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Lifting Trade Barriers for the sake of Africa’s prosperity

There are many challenges that hinder effective trade within the African continent and most of these challenges termed barriers to trade will require strict measures from relevant authorities to ensure.

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Maximizing the use of Africa’s Arable Land For Its Food Security; An interview With An African Farmer

    Vast arable lands are part of the natural resources that the African continent can effectively make boast about. But the question is; does the continent make judicious use.

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African leaders resolve to conquer continents’ challenges at AU Summit

AU 42ND SUMMIT KICKS OFF IN ADDISS ABABA King Richard The 42nd Ordinary Session of the Executive Council kicks off with the resolve to uphold Africa’s resilience to challenges &.

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