Search Results for: "World Bank"

Africa and the Emerging Risks of Telework

A few days after my last column on Africa, COVID-19 and the disruptive concept of work, I saw a screaming headline from a Time Magazine news article on the 7th.

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The African Utopia at the End of the COVID-19 Tunnel

By Cesar A. Mba ABOGO Minister of Finance, Economy and Planning of Equatorial Guinea In 1990, when Cameroon’s football team did the unthinkable and beat Argentina in the World Cup,.

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3 ways COVID-19 could actually spark a better future for Africa

In 1990, when Cameroon’s football team did the unthinkable and beat Argentina in the World Cup, the proportion of the world’s population living below the poverty line was 35.9%. Fast-forward.

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COVID-19: Adapt or die, the need to adjust to new circumstances and crisis situations – Esther Muchemi, Kenyan Businesswoman

The Corona Virus pandemic, also known as COVID-19, has been growing exponentially in some parts of Africa, especially in recent weeks, with the region’s total rising to 29,463 cases and.

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SDGs: The need for the United Nations to Consider an Extension from 2030

By Mayowa Jolayemi In September 2000 under the secretary generalship of Kofi Annan, world leaders met and ratified a declaration where they all committed to pursuing a set of eight.

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Adesina – The Strength of Personal Conviction under fire

By Ken Giami and Kingsley Okeke It was an unusual speech; indeed, not the formulaic expressions, especially when Africa is in focus. But the audience knew what to expect from.

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Observations of the COVID-19 Response Across Africa

When the world’s richest nations are struggling to provide their own citizens with masks, testing kits and ventilators, how can countries with even less resources cope?  Although much of the.

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South African Billionaire Joins WEF Board of Trustees

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has invited Patrice Motsepe, chairperson, African Rainbow Minerals to join its board of trustees. Mr. Motsepe a leading philanthropist has been invited alongside, Kristalina Georgieva,.

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The private sector as Key to Africa’s Development re-echoed at the ALM Africa Dialogue London

The African Leadership Magazine has concluded its Africa Dialogue which held on the 21 January 2020 at the Royal Geographical Society, London United Kingdom, on the margins of the UK.

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Trade and Investment Opportunities in Africa Today – Reframing the Perception

No doubt, perceptions about Africa, especially in the west, is far from the realities on the ground. These not-so-correct perceptions have adversely affected trade on the continent as the average.

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