Search Results for: "manufacturing"

Pfizer Partners with South Africa to Produce Pneumonia Vaccine

Global pharmaceutical company, Pfizer, has recently partnered with South Africa’s vaccine manufacturing company, Biovac Institute to produce a potentially life-saving pneumonia vaccine for infants in Cape Town, South Africa. Naledi.

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An ‘African Master Plan’ Is Key to Solving Africa’s Transport Challenges- Angela Cassell-Bush

The African Development Bank Transport Forum (ATF) 2015 ended recently with the AfDB reiterating its support for transport development to ensure economic growth on the continent. Speaking at the closing.

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Djibouti: China to establish first overseas military base in Africa

Africa’s biggest trading partner, China, has signed a 10-year deal with Djibouti to build a military outpost in the country. The base is China’s first overseas military base in Africa.

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Leadership crisis in Africa

There is a significant correlation between leadership and economic development of countries. This correlation cannot be undermined. The world has seen how visionary leaderships from different countries have been able.

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Real Estate Development Could Drive Future Chinese Investment In Africa

Natural resources from Africa helped fuel China’s economic boom, but in the first half of 2015, it’s looking more like a bust. Chinese investment in Africa through June this year.

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Nigeria: Financing development under President Buhari: The role of Pan African development finance institutions (DFIs)

LAGOS, Nigeria, November 9, 2015/ — The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has prognosticated a possible economic recession in 2016. This possible worst outcome of the present slump is something.

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Ethiopia Plans A $4B Mega Airport, Wants To be One Of Africa’s Biggest Hubs

Only the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, price tag $4.8 billion, will cost more than the country’s latest project — a new $4 billion mega airport that Ethiopia hopes will   boost tourism and the.

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Do You Know Africa’s Top Most Valuable And Admired Business Brands

Africa has been beaming with rapid growth and indeed a number of business brands have come through to compete on the global stage. Jonathan Adengo looks at some of Africa’s.

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Secrets Behind Ethiopia’s Rise

Ethiopia has achieved a great deal of socio-economic success through state-led development: A development system seemingly shaped after the South Korean model of economic miracle. In its Markets report in.

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Zimbabwe To Invest More In Agriculture To Improve Productivity

Drought and teething economic challenges have reduced once Africa’s food basket Zimbabwe into a net food importer over the last decade, but the government now wants to reverse this. The.

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