Search Results for: "AfCFTA"

What Opportunities Lie Within the E-Commerce Growth in Africa?

A good trade system is essential for the sustainable development of an economy. For an economy to survive, there needs to be a conducive structure in place for commerce to.

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Can Africa Meet Up 2030 SGD’s Agenda Amidst Debt Servicing?

As Africa strives to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, it faces a pressing dilemma: reconciling its significant debt burden with the imperative of accelerating development. With an external debt.

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The Role of Agenda 2063 in Africa’s Development Strategy

The demand and expectation for Africa to reach its economic and development potentials have increased in recent years. This demand has emanated mostly from young Africans. Education and globalization have.

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The Battle Against Illicit Financial Flows in Africa

Across Africa, the circulation of illicit banknotes, including counterfeits and unregulated currencies, poses a significant economic challenge, with estimates suggesting that 1-2% of the total currency in circulation in some.

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Initiatives Addressing Youth Unemployment in Africa’s Rapidly Growing Population

As Africa’s population continues to surge, the pressing issue of youth unemployment demands innovative and effective job creation strategies. To achieve sustainable development, the continent is witnessing a transformation in.

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The Role of African Union in Promoting Intra-African Cooperation

The African Union is the apex continental organisation tasked with promoting Pan-Africanism and protecting the interests of its member states. As a pan-African organization in the continent, the African Union.

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The Future of African Union Strengthening Continental Integration

As the foremost continental organization, the AU’s vision of a united, peaceful, and prosperous Africa is both ambitious and essential. This vision requires a concerted effort to strengthen continental integration—a.

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Global Trade Agreements and Their Impacts on Africa’s Markets

Global trade agreements have long been a double-edged sword for the African market. On one hand, they promise economic growth, increased exports, and enhanced integration into the global economy. On.

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Unified Visa-Free Travel in Africa: Bridging Divides, Building Futures

The need for a unified passport and visa-free travel for Africans within the continent has become increasingly evident as economic integration and growth intensify. The African Union (AU) has long.

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Africa’s E-Commerce Explosion

Africa is witnessing a digital revolution, characterized by an explosive growth in e-commerce that is transforming the continent’s economic landscape. This rapid expansion is driven by a confluence of factors.

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