Search Results for: "World Bank"

Achieving seemingly Impossible feats at AfCFTA

AFRICAN OF THE WEEK IS Wamkele Mene; Secretary-General, African Continental Free Trade Area Wamkele Mene Secretary-General, African Continental Free Trade Area Some of the feats that has been accomplished in.

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Zimbabwe’s recovery story from a mangled economy

Many global economies were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. And just when some started to recover from it, the Russia-Ukraine war happened and economies are still reeling from the.

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Madagascar’s Finance Minister Rabarinirinarison Receives Commendation as Top 25 African Finance Leader 2023

In recognition of her commitment to promoting strong fiscal and macroeconomic policies towards enhancing the economic outlook of Madagascar, the Honourable Minister for Economy and Finance, HE Mrs Rindra Hasimbelo.

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African Leadership Organization holds Exclusive African Finance Leaders Forum in Washington DC

….on the margins of the World Bank / IMF 2023 Spring Meetings  Washington DC  April 18th, 2023   The UK-based African Leadership Organization and publishers of the foremost Africa-focused good  governance.

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Botswana and its Peculiar Democracy in Africa

Botswana is one African country that has enjoyed continuous democracy since it gained independence in 1966. The UN’s development agency, UNDP had described Botswana’s democratic story as “one of Africa’s.

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African Leadership Magazine Unveils Top 25 African Finance Leaders 2023

Portsmouth, United Kingdom April 13th, 2023 The African Leadership Magazine (ALM) is pleased to announce the inaugural editorial listing of the Top 25 African Finance Leaders 2023, following a rigorous.

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airpay Engages the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar for a Strategic Partnership & Africa Agenda

Stone Town Zanzibar; April 4, 2023: airpay, India’s fast-growing integrated financial services platform, today announced its foray into the United Republic of Tanzania through a formal alliance with the Ministry.

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Unlocking Africa’s Fortunes Through Trade – Wamkele Mene

Secretary-General, African Continental Free Trade Area, speaks ALM Building the world’s largest single trade market is undoubtedly an uphill task, but managing the interest of about 54 countries while at.

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Sierra Leone: Time to See the Glitz and Green of the Lion Mountain

Kandeh A. Kamara   Time Magazine has just released its World’s Greatest Places to Visit in 2023, and expectedly Sierra Leone is listed in the top 50 places globally. The massive.

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Akufo-Addo’s policies that are Revitalising the Rural Areas of Ghana

The population of Ghana, a nation in West Africa, is approximately 31 million. Ghana is a country with a predominantly rural population. Ghana has a primarily rural population. About 44%.

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