Search Results for: "World Bank"

Optimizing Egypt’s Food Value Chain with Cutting-Edge Technology

Over the years, Egypt has been recognized as the cradle of civilization and a nation synonymous with the Nile’s fertile bounty, however, this nation also faces a crucial challenge in.

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The Future of African Union Strengthening Continental Integration

As the foremost continental organization, the AU’s vision of a united, peaceful, and prosperous Africa is both ambitious and essential. This vision requires a concerted effort to strengthen continental integration—a.

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Why Gambia Should Be Your Next Travel Destination

Known for its diverse culture, rich history, and stunning natural landscapes, nestled in West Africa, and its modest size, The Gambia boasts a vibrant tourism industry that significantly contributes to.

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Green Bonds and Sustainable Finance in African Markets

The introduction of green bonds in African markets marks a significant shift towards the broader sustainable finance and investment agenda. Green bonds are debt securities issued to finance projects that.

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Geostrategic Shifts: China’s Influence vs. Western Engagement in Africa

The dynamics of influence in Africa’s international relations are increasingly shaped by the contrasting strategies of China and Western nations. China is deepening its footprint across the continent through ambitious.

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10 Emerging Sectors Propelling Economic Diversification in Mauritius

Long renowned for its picture-perfect beaches and thriving tourism industry, Mauritius aspires to transcend its postcard appeal and emerge as an exciting hub for innovation and economic diversification. This transformation.

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Copper Mining and Zambia’s Debt Crisis

Copper mining is the backbone of Zambia’s economy, contributing significantly to GDP, export earnings, and employment. In 2020, copper accounted for more than 70% of Zambia’s export revenue. According to.

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Global Trade Agreements and Their Impacts on Africa’s Markets

Global trade agreements have long been a double-edged sword for the African market. On one hand, they promise economic growth, increased exports, and enhanced integration into the global economy. On.

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African Diaspora: Homeland Development

Diasporans represent a powerful constituency in the economic development of Africa and remittances are one of the most tangible and significant ways they contribute to developing their homelands. These financial.

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Are We Decolonizing African Education to Unveil New Horizons?

In the decades following independence, African nations have struggled with the vestiges of colonial rule in many aspects of society. Among the most profound and persistent of these legacies is.

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