Search Results for: "World Bank"

African Child Development: Why it Matters

The development of children in Africa can never be over-emphasized even though it has remained a pressing issue that has far-reaching implications for the continent’s future.   Malala Yousafzai, a.

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Mauritius Takes Top Spot in Human Freedom Index

The latest Human Freedom Index (HFI) has revealed a fascinating picture of Africa’s freedom landscape, with Mauritius emerging as the continent’s leader in personal and economic freedom. The island nation,.

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Emerging Trends in Educational Leadership for African Schools

African countries are striving to improve access to quality education and equip future generations with the skills needed to thrive amidst growing technological advancements. This necessitates a shift in educational.

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CPPI’s Top 10 Seaports in Africa

When one talks about global trade, the shipping and maritime sector is first to mind. According to the International Chambers of Shipping, over 90% of goods are transported by ship..

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Can Resource-Rich African Nations Achieve Economic Diversification?

Africa is home to a wealth of natural resources, ranging from oil and minerals to fertile land and abundant water resources. While these resources present significant economic opportunities, they also.

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Africa’s Progress in Addressing Out-of-school Children

Despite education being the foundation of a thriving society, millions of African children are still denied the chance to learn and develop, missing out on a vital opportunity for growth..

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African Women Pioneering Multilateral Diplomacy on a Global Stage

Every year, on June 24th, the world celebrates the International Day for Women in Diplomacy, a powerful testament to women’s vital role in shaping global affairs. With the theme of.

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Examining the Role of Diaspora Investments in Africa’s Economic Growth

For Africa, the diaspora comprises millions of Africans living in North America, Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world. The concept of diaspora investments is not new. Africans living.

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Combatting Marine Plastic Pollution in West African Coastal Cities

Marine plastic pollution is a pressing global environmental crisis, significantly affecting West African coastal cities. These cities, characterized by dense populations, bustling ports, and rapid economic development, face unique challenges.

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Refugee Crisis in Africa: Shades on the Continent’s Economy

As World Refugee Day is marked globally on June 20th, it’s essential to shine a light on the devastating refugee crisis plaguing Africa. The continent is grappling with the aftermath.

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