Search Results for: "manufacturing"

How Sumaria Group Contributes to the Growth of Tanzania’s Manufacturing Sector

  In recent times, manufacturing seems to have recorded quite a boom across the African continent with factory work taking front row. Though farming and services are still dominant and.

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Made In Africa: Congo-Based Startup Launch Smartphone Manufacturing Plant

While the rest of the world smartphone market stagnates Africa’s mobile phone markets is waking up and more and more people are  ditching their old feature phones for these internet.

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Diaspora Health Initiatives: African and Afro-Caribbean Collaborations

Collaborations between the Afro-Caribbean and African regions in healthcare have become increasingly vital, driven by a shared aim to improve access to quality healthcare. These initiatives are being advanced by.

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How Democratic Governance is Promoting Economic Development in Africa

Democratic governance has long been recognised as a cornerstone for sustainable development, and in Africa, the connection between democracy and economic growth is becoming increasingly evident. In light of United.

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The Role of the Informal Economy in Africa’s Economic Resilience

The informal economy in Africa is sustaining livelihoods and driving economic growth across the continent. Despite its largely unregulated nature, the informal sector accounts for a substantial portion of Africa’s.

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Noise Pollution in Africa : The Unseen Crisis

Noise pollution is increasingly becoming a pervasive issue in Africa’s urban landscapes. Often overshadowed by other forms of pollution, such as air and water, noise pollution is gradually establishing itself.

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The Future of Trade: How the AfCFTA is Shaping Economic Policy

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is set to revolutionise trade and economic policy across the African continent. As the largest free trade area in the world by the.

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 Enhancing Vocational Skills for Youth Empowerment in Kenya

As Kenya works towards achieving Vision 2030, its blueprint for long-term development, one area that has garnered significant attention is youth empowerment through vocational training. With a youthful population comprising.

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African Multinationals Expanding into Global Markets

African multinationals are expanding their footprint across global markets; companies are leveraging their regional strengths and capitalising on new growth opportunities worldwide. Recent reports highlight a trajectory of African multinationals.

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Inside Nigeria’s Lithium Deposits: Potentials/Investment Opportunities

Nigeria is rich in solid minerals and metals, with over 40 different types found beneath its surface, including significant quantities of lithium ore. The discovery of high-grade lithium deposits presents.

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