Search Results for: "AfCFTA"

Ethiopia ratifies agreement on AfCFTA

Marrakech, 22 March 2019 (ECA) – Delegates attending the 38th meeting of the Committee of Experts of the ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development have applauded the.

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Expert Reels Out AfCFTA’s Impact

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) will lead to Africa’s economic development and bring about a better future for the continent, Dr. Benedict Oramah, President of the African Export-Import.

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Currency Convergence: The Case for a Unified African Monetary System

The prospect of a single currency for Africa is no longer an abstract idea, but a tangible goal, as demonstrated by efforts such as the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and.

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African Start-ups Tapping into Regional Markets

Business start-ups are transforming Africa’s economic landscape. Once perceived as local enterprises, African start-ups are now emerging as significant players, not only within their home countries but also on regional.

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How Democratic Governance is Promoting Economic Development in Africa

Democratic governance has long been recognised as a cornerstone for sustainable development, and in Africa, the connection between democracy and economic growth is becoming increasingly evident. In light of United.

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Regional Value Chains: Building a Stronger Intra-African Manufacturing Sector

Africa is witnessing rapid socio-economic development. With its vast natural resources and growing population, the continent’s supply chains are increasingly important to the global economy and geopolitics. This underscores the.

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Africa’s Economic Renaissance: Key Drivers Behind the Continent’s Growth Trajectory

Africa is undergoing an economic renaissance, with growth trajectories that have caught the attention of global investors, policymakers, and development experts. A series of transformations that are not just happenstance;.

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The Influence of African Institutions on Global Governance Structures

African institutions are contributing significantly to the shaping of international policies and norms. This influence is not only reflective of the continent’s growing economic and political clout but also indicative.

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The Shift in Africa’s Economic Partnerships with Global Powers

For decades, Africa has been a continent associated with foreign aid. Billions of dollars have flowed into African nations from Western countries, to address poverty, hunger, and health crises. According.

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African Multinationals Expanding into Global Markets

African multinationals are expanding their footprint across global markets; companies are leveraging their regional strengths and capitalising on new growth opportunities worldwide. Recent reports highlight a trajectory of African multinationals.

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