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Drought: AFDB’s Relief Package to Assist 36m People

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has recently pledged half a billion dollar relief package to 14 Southern and Eastern African countries most affected by an El Nino-propelled drought.

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We’ll move Nigeria forward quickly – Buhari to Diaspora Nigerians

Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari President Muhammadu Buhari has recently assured Nigerians in the diaspora of his administration’s determination to move the country forward as rapidly as possible. Speaking in Washington.

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How Successful People Network with Each Other

By: Dorie Clark As you advance in your career, you have more experience and more connections to draw on for networking. But chances are you’ve also become a lot busier.

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Nigeria: Premier Nigeria Power Women Conference Holds in Abuja

Centre for Economic and Leadership Development (CELD), a frontline gender development and leadership organization, in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC), is hosting.

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Tanzania: Govt. Plans to Hire 10,000 Health Workers

The government of Tanzania has recently made plans to hire about 10,000 health workers before the end of this financial year, to team up with the current workforce in order.

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IMF Tasks Nigeria to Increase Non Oil Revenues to Boost GDP

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently emphasized the critical need for Nigeria to raise non oil revenues to ensure fiscal sustainability while maintaining infrastructure and social spending.

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U.S., Nigeria to Strengthen Security Cooperation

The United States and Nigeria have recently agreed to establish working groups focused on strengthening security cooperation, the economy and tackling corruption after day-long talks at the State Department.

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North Korea Appears To Have Fired Missile into Sea: South Korea Military

North Korea fired a missile into the sea off its east coast on Friday, the South’s military has recently said, hours after the leaders of South Korea, Japan and the.

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6 Ways Salespeople Can Get It Right

Sales executives typically have two levers to try to increase sales: they can increase the quantity of sales effort by adding salespeople, or they can improve the quality of sales.

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Ghana to Eradicate Violence against Women and Children

Ghanaian Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, in partnership with the Danish government, has recently launched a project to eliminate Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) cases in the.

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