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Nigeria’s Revenues Fall Far Short In First Half of Year: Minister

Nigeria managed to raise only 55 percent of its six-month revenue target in the first six months of 2016, its budget minister said on Monday. “We have not been able.

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Africa: Rwanda, Morocco Take Lead in Amending Montreal Protocol

By Collins Mwai Rwanda and the Kingdom of Morocco have taken the lead in calling upon countries across the world to back the amendment of the Montreal Protocol on Ozone.

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Libyan Forces Push into Last Islamic State Area in Sirte

Libyan pro-government forces are advancing into the last area controlled by Islamic State in the coastal city of Sirte, surrounding the militants after a five-month campaign backed by U.S. air.

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25 Things Strong Leaders Tell Their Employees

By Liz Ryan A great way to step into your leadership power is to start saying things that you haven’t said before. The more aware you can be of your.

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Ghana Presidential Candidate Promises Inclusive Government

  The presidential candidate for Ghana’s opposition All People’s Congress (APC) is promising an all-inclusive government which he says is the only way to solve the myriad of problems Ghanaians.

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Poll: Vote Nigeria’s Top Performing Public Institution

  The African Leadership Magazine invites you to participate in the online Good Performance Poll for Nigerian Public Institutions aimed at measuring and monitoring the performances of Departments and Agencies.

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Vote Nigeria’s Top Performing Public Institution

The African Leadership Magazine invites you to participate in the online Good Performance Poll for Nigerian Public Institutions aimed at measuring and monitoring the performances of Departments and Agencies of.

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Nigeria: Our Programmes Ensure the Sustainable Development of Rivers State- RSSDA CEO

The Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency (RSSDA) is an agency of the government of Rivers State of Nigeria. It was set-up to promote programmes and activities aimed at eradicating poverty,.

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Kenya Bags Three Positions in UN Postal Body

By Wanjala Danson Kenya has been elected into three key positions in a top UN agency dealing with the postal services. Kenya’s Amb. Bishar Hussein has been re-elected as the.

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Sub-Saharan Africa Can Win More Financial Services Inward Investment

By Martin Roche, Contributor In June, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published its 2015 annual report on global foreign direct investment (FDI) flows. It says that.

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