Most Recent World News

Nigeria-Born Law Professor Uche Ofodile, Elected Lifetime Member of U.S. Foreign Relations Council

Nigerian born Uche Ewelukwa Ofodile, an E.J. Ball Professor of Law, has been elected as a lifetime member of the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations.

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Voting Now Open: The 10th African Leadership Magazine Persons Of The Year 2021

Below are the distinguished Africans who made the shortlist of nominees in 7 different categories for this year, and all Africans are welcomed to vote: 1. African of the Year.

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Why Corona Virus Vaccine Apathy Still Exists

The clinic is four minutes from my house – at least that was what Google maps said. Turn a right, another right, then a left and it’s on the right.

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African Attitudes To Mental Health

By Edwin Obido Africa has been appreciated for its value and culture spread around the world. A part crippling this up the growth of African values to the world happens.

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Boeing to Compensate Victims In Ethiopian Airlines 737 MAX Crash

Boeing Co agreed on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, to acknowledge liability for compensatory damages in lawsuits filed by families of the 157 people killed in the 2019 Ethiopian Airlines 737.

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The Politics of Eligible Customer in Nigeria’s Power Sector

By Abdullahi Umar The rigmarole of policies in the Nigerian Power Sector now signals a time for caution and reflection prior to taking the next bold step, especially as a.

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Impossible Is Not African: Everything is Possible in this Continent – Dr. Akindele Akintoye, CEO, Duport Midstream Company Ltd

At a time when most people have lost confidence in the continent and looking for escape routes out, it is quite refreshing to meet someone who believes so much in.

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Breaking: Celebrating Grit, Purpose, and Impact as African Leadership Magazine unveils 2021 African Business Leadership Award winners

…Winners, Runners-up to be decorated at the 6th Invest in Africa Summit 2021 (Virtual) on 16-17 September 2021 Portsmouth United Kingdom August 16, 2021 African Leadership Magazine has unveiled the.

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Rising Food Insecurity — What Now For Africa?

By Walcott Aganu Africa’s capacity to provide food security and combat hunger is threatened by climate change. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), undernourished people in African.

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How Minorities Can Mobilize For Peaceful Policy Change

By Walcott Aganu The history of humanity has been characterized by protest and citizen action; in recent years, the situation has been amplified. For instance, throughout 2020, numerous hashtags on.

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