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The Influx of Foreign Investment Boosting Africa’s Economic Growth

According to the IMF’s latest Coordinated Direct Investment Survey, released on 20 February 2025, global FDI rebounded in 2023 after a slight decline, soaring to an all-time high of $41.

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The Digital Currency Debate and Africa’s Readiness for Cashless Economies

The transition from cash-heavy economies to digital transactions is no longer a question of “if” but “when.” The debate over digital currencies, including central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and mobile.

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Who is Financing Africa’s Infrastructure Boom?

Africa is undergoing an infrastructure revolution, a transformation reshaping its economic trajectory and development prospects. Roads are being paved where none existed, power grids illuminate once-darkened villages, and railways are.

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Africa’s Move Towards Currency Independence

Africa is making significant strides in asserting its sovereignty through currency independence. As nations across the continent take bold steps to reduce reliance on foreign currencies, they position themselves for.

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The African Tax Revolt

Taxation in Africa has always been a contentious issue. From the days of colonial tax impositions that sparked revolts to the present-day resistance against aggressive tax policies, the story remains.

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ECOWAS Bank’s $16.3M Credit Boosts Africa’s SME Sector

The ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) has authorised USD 16.3 million line of credit to the Banque Sahélo-Saharienne pour l’Investissement et le Commerce (BSIC) as part of a.

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IMF Global Growth Outlook 2025: Where Does Africa Stand?

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released its forecast for 2025, projecting global economic growth of 3.3% for the year. While this figure indicates a recovery from previous downturns, the.

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Strongest Currencies in Africa: Top Performers and Exchange Rates 2025

Africa is home to 54 countries, each with distinct economies and currencies. Despite economic volatility in some regions, several currencies have demonstrated impressive stability and strength. This report highlights countries.

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How Africa is Tackling Debt and Driving Economic Growth in 2025

Africa’s growing external debt has become a central focus globally, but it’s essential to see the broader picture—one that highlights the continent’s resilience, economic growth, and transformative potential. While external.

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