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Forging Africa’s future with sanitation

Dr Canisius Kanangire, Executive Secretary of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW). Access to adequate sanitation is a fundamental human right. Yet, a third of African citizens are still.

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Liberia: African Development Fund Approves $34.7 Million for Renewable Energy

Renewable energy in Liberia takes a new turn as the African Development Fund (ADF) recently signed agreement with Liberia’s Minister of Finance & Development Planning to boost renewable energy access.

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South Africa Donates Face Mask to China Against Novel Coronavirus

The fight against deadly coronavirus continues while China receives international help. Recently a South African company donated a consignment of face masks to the Chinese Ambassador in South Africa to.

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Rwanda to Host the First-ever Global Summit on Malaria

In efforts to end the epidemics of malaria, neglected tropical diseases and other communicable diseases by 2030, Rwanda is set to host the first-ever global summit on Malaria and Neglected.

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How El Ali’s Mangrove Initiation Led To The Largest Mangrove Re-planting Project In The World

Part of the reason for the success of Haidar El Ali’s mangrove regeneration project in Senegal is that he is a hands-on kind of leader who has totally immersed himself.

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Large Scale Investments Needed to Sustain ‘Livable Cities’ – Report

The world’s cities need large scale investments to develop and maintain infrastructure and services such as urban transport, water supply, sanitation, and solid waste management, a joint report by the.

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Ghana’s Largest Private University Goes Solar

A 401 kWp solar system for Central University in Ghana has been inaugurated, marking an important milestone in Ghana’s transition to clean energy. The system was implemented by solar financier.

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In Asia’s Booming Cities, Urban Planners Urged to Include The Poor

Urban planners in rapidly expanding Asian cities must involve the poorest residents in decision-making and include informal spaces if they are serious about tackling inequality, development experts said on Wednesday..

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Scientists Back Wider Family-planning Access to Ease Climate Threats

Making affordable contraception available to women who want it would be a cheap, effective way to curb climate change and fast-rising risks in a hotter world, scientists said on Tuesday..

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Japan Donates 17 Patrol Vessels to Kenya

Japan has handed over 17 patrol boats worth USD2.8 million to Kenya’s marine police unit. The donation will enhance anti-piracy measures in the region. Edward Mbugua, Kenyan deputy inspector general.

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