Most Recent World News

Windhoek Improve Water Regulation Service with The Installation of Prepaid Meters

To improve the regulation of its water infrastructure, the City of Windhoek in Namibia has approved a framework within which residents will receive a roll-out of pre-paid water meters.

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Government Set Up Committee for Green Ghana Project

The government of Ghana aims to use its Green Ghana Project to plant five million trees in a day across the country to facilitate a better and developed environment for.

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Africa’s Collaboration – Key to Fighting Climate Change

By Walcott Aganu Covid-19 is severely testing our capacities for resilience. However, despite health challenges being a priority, it is crucial to remind ourselves that the world faces two global.

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Liberia Launches GLA 2.0 To Tackle Deforestation & Human Rights Abuses

A program to tackle deforestation, human rights abuses, safety for activists, and the lack of policies that drive smallholder farming, the Green Livelihood Alliance (GLA) 2.0, has been launched in.

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Tunisia Focus On Implementing Clean Energy in Its Environment

With focus on sustaining positive climate change action, Italian oil company ENI has departed from Tunisia to stop its fossil fuel exploitation activities and actively invest in clean energy. This.

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Gambia Improves On Agricultural Structure with Rice Project in Central River Region

Improving on its existing agricultural structure, the Regional Rice Value Chain Development project was recently launched at Wassu Youth Center in Central River Region (CRR) North, in the Gambia. This.

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Adopting The Seychelles Model to Increase Education and Literacy Rate Across Africa

By Alkali Amana In 2019, the World Economic Forum assessed 140 countries, including 38 African countries, to rank the best education systems globally based on skill development taking into consideration.

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Africa: Researchers Call for Gender-Friendly Crop Varieties to Aid Food Security

The global population is rapidly increasing, so there is a need to increase global food production to meet the growing population needs. Although maize is one of the most important.

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Kenyan Company Devises Method to Deal With Locus Infestation

Bug-picture, a company in Kenya, East Africa has by means of innovation devised a method to help farmers fight back against locusts when darkness falls by harvesting them. The method.

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Climate change: A Dialogue Falling on Deaf Ears

While African leadership has made relatively slow progress in tackling climate change, climate conditions are suddenly playing out at entirely different levels. In recent years, climatic conditions in Africa have.

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