Most Recent World News

Italy’s Mattei Plan: Visionary Blueprint or Unattainable Dream?

The Italian government has revealed its readiness to embark on a path of operations. A part that is quite different from its regular mode of operation. The Italian Prime minister,.

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The Somalia-Ethiopia Port Deal: Regional Implications and Geopolitical Dynamics

The Horn of Africa has long been a region of geopolitical and strategic importance. The latest involves a port deal between Ethiopia and the self-declared independent region of Somaliland. Turkey.

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UNHCR vs Rwanda: What does this mean for Africa

UNHCR vs Rwanda: What does this mean for Africa The surge of refugees from conflict zones in Africa has forced neighboring countries to open their borders to people fleeing these.

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African Women Pioneering Multilateral Diplomacy on a Global Stage

Every year, on June 24th, the world celebrates the International Day for Women in Diplomacy, a powerful testament to women’s vital role in shaping global affairs. With the theme of.

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Geostrategic Shifts: China’s Influence vs. Western Engagement in Africa

The dynamics of influence in Africa’s international relations are increasingly shaped by the contrasting strategies of China and Western nations. China is deepening its footprint across the continent through ambitious.

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Shifting Alliances: The Rise of Russian Military Influence in West Africa Amid US Withdrawal

In recent years, West Africa has witnessed significant changes in its military alliances. Several countries in the region are asking US military bases to leave while inviting Russian military forces.

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Frameworks for Migrant Rights in Europe and Africa

Migration continues to be a defining global phenomenon, influencing socio-economic, political, and cultural spheres. Europe and Africa, both regions with significant migrant populations, have developed elaborate frameworks to manage and.

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Modi’s 3rd Term: Reviewing Africa’s Relationship with India

Africa and India boast a long-standing relationship built on shared history, cultural connections, and a commitment to South-South cooperation. This partnership has grown significantly in recent decades, transforming into a.

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10 Key Takeaways from President Ruto’s Visit to the White House

President Joe Biden welcomed Kenyan President William Ruto to the White House for a State Visit and Dinner, marking 60 years of U.S.-Kenya partnership. This occasion highlights the enduring and.

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Niger-US Relations: A Historical Journey

Following Niger’s independence, the U.S. quickly established diplomatic relations and has since provided various forms of assistance to Niger. This support has included economic aid, development programs, and security cooperation..

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