Most Recent World News

Standard Chartered Bank Opens Innovation Hub In Kenya

Standard Chartered Bank has opened a new innovation hub in Kenya to bolster its collaboration with fintech companies in the region. The new Africa eXellerator lab will be leveraged to.

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Ebenezer Onyeagwu, Zenith Bank’s New GMD

Mr. Ebenezer Onyeagwu has been appointed as the new group managing director/chief executive (GMD/CEO) of the Zenith Bank Plc by the Board of Directors of the bank. Onyeagwu’s appointment takes.

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Oil Climbs To Five-month High On OPEC Cuts, U.S. Sanctions And Libya Fighting

Oil prices rose to their highest level since November 2018 on Monday, driven by OPEC supply cuts, U.S. sanctions against Iran and Venezuela and fighting in Libya as well as.

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ISDB Partners Nigerian Government

Nigeria’s Government has signed a $523,823 technical assistant agreement grant with the Islamic Development Bank (ISDB) Group, in Marrakesh, Morocco. The Minister of Finance, Mrs Zainab Ahmed signed on behalf.

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East Africa’s Economy Races Ahead Of Its African Peers At 5.7 Per Cent, AFDB Outlook

Economic growth in East Africa is soaring ahead of other regions on the continent at close to 7 percent while the overall outlook for the rest of Africa is cautious,.

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Kenya Forecasts 6.3% Economic Growth

Kenya’s economy should grow an improved 6.3 percent in 2019, President Uhuru Kenyatta said on Thursday, citing an improved business environment and his government’s push to boost manufacturing, food production.

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Cameroon Farmers, Agropole, Spice Up Earnings With Forest-friendly Foods

Farmers in Cameroon who have benefited from a government-run support scheme called AGROPOLE,  are reaping profits from the scheme which provided training and funds for farmers to process and market.

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TOTAL Ramps Up Production In Angola

French oil major Total said it had started up production on the Kaombo Sul project located off the coast of Angola, in a deal that should lift Total’s general production.

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PNG LNG, UNIPEC Strike JV partnership

The Papua New Guinea (PNG) liquefied natural gas (LNG) joint venture partners have struck a mid-term sales and purchase agreement with Singapore’s Unipec to supply some 0.45-million tonnes of LNG.

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Zimbabwe Records 9.12% Private Sector Growth.

According to the latest Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe economic monthly update, Zimbabwe’s financial institutions have seen their credit facilities extended to the private sector register an annual growth of 9.12.

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