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Tanzania Attorney General Frederick Werema quits amid corruption row

Tanzania’s Attorney General Frederick Werema has resigned, making him the first casualty of a corruption scandal that has rocked the government. MPs last month called accused him of authorising the.

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Robert Mugabe Appoints Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko as new his deputies

Zimbabwe’s anxious wait for the appointment of two State Vice Presidents and Zanu-pf Second Secretaries ended yesterday with President Mugabe naming Cdes Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko as his deputies..

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President Goodluck Jonathan Hosts CEOs Of The Top 100 Businesses In Nigeria

President Jonathan yesterday Nov. 1st hosted the Chairmen and CEOs of the Top 100 businesses in Nigeria at the Banquet Hall of the Presidential Villa, Abuja. The CEOs and their.

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Namibians Prepare for Polling Day

Namibia’s election commission says preparations for next week’s national elections are going well as the country becomes the first in Africa to use electronic voting machines. “We will deploy 2080.

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Gambian leader approves anti-gay law

The president of Gambia has signed a bill into law that calls for life imprisonment for some homosexual acts, the latest African country to codify harsh penalties for gay people..

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World Bank Group Approves US$285 Million Grant for Ongoing Ebola Crisis Response

The World Bank Group’s Board of Executive Directors today approved a US$285 million grant to finance Ebola-containment efforts underway in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, as well as to help.

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Diplomat Kafando Named As Burkina Faso’s Interim President

A special committee has chosen Michel Kafando as Burkina Faso’s interim president, to lead the country until elections next November. Authorities in Ouagadougou were under international pressure to restore civilian.

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South Africa President Jacob Zuma Investigated by Police Over $23m Luxury Mansion Overhaul

South African police are investigating President Jacob Zuma for allegedly using $23m worth of taxpayers’ money to refurbish his private home, say parliamentary papers. South African police authorities confirmed that.

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Nigeria’s Foreign reserve now $38bn — Okonjo-Iweala

The nation’s foreign reserve currently stands at $38 billion, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, disclosed yesterday. Speaking at the Public Affairs Forum,.

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10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Late Zambian President Michael Sata

Zambia’s fifth president, Michael Sata, died Oct. 28, 2014, after rumors circulated for months that he was ill. Aged 77, Sata led Zambia since his election in September 2011 as the leader.

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