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NAMCOL Graduates First Advanced Programme Students

Namibia’s College of Open Learning (Namcol) has graduated its first cohort of students from newly introduced advanced programs which include Bachelor of Arts in Youth Development and Post-Graduate Diploma in.

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Digital Technology – Nigeria’s Route for Economic Growth and Diversification

An African Leadership Magazine Exclusive Interview with The Nigerian Communication Commission. Informed by the monolithic economy since the 1980s which has been persistently threatened by the instability in crude oil.

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NEEF Targets SMES in Malawi for Sensitization On Access to Funds

Malawi’s National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF), in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, has initiated sensitization campaigns for Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) across the country on how they.

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What The Texas Blackout Means for Africa

The blackouts that gripped Texas for several days in February, as temperatures dipped to record lows, were stunning for a state that prides itself on its abundant and diverse supplies.

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ABSA Collaborates with Key Players To Boost Digital Partnership Across Africa

One of the largest financial service providers in Africa, Absa Group, has stated its intent to strengthen the efforts necessary to grow its digital partnerships ecosystem across Africa as it.

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Nigeria Continue Crackdown On Banditry as Network Blackout Extends

Nigeria (Reuters) – Nigerian authorities imposed a communications blackout on Monday in several parts of Sokoto state as a crackdown against armed kidnappers in the country’s northwest region spreads.

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Nigeria Continue Crackdown On Banditry as Network Blackout Extends

Nigeria (Reuters) – Nigerian authorities imposed a communications blackout on Monday in several parts of Sokoto state as a crackdown against armed kidnappers in the country’s northwest region spreads.

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UK Removes Kenya from Red List in Revised COVID-19 Travel Regulations

The United Kingdom (UK) has removed Kenya from its Covid red list in a revision of its coronavirus travel regulations.

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