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Cross-Border Healthcare in Africa: Successes and Challenges

Healthcare is generally seen as a pivotal feature of any well-meaning society. Providing adequate healthcare to the citizenry is mandatory for any government that pledges the sustainable development of its.

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Rural to Urban Migration: The Double-Edged Sword

Across Africa, a demographic shift is taking place. Millions are leaving rural areas in search of a brighter future in cities. This phenomenon, known as rural-urban migration, is a key.

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African Startups Set New Heights in Fundraising

African startups are experiencing an unprecedented era of growth. The continent’s burgeoning tech scene has just recorded its most successful fundraising month in over a year, with a staggering $420.

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2024 Elections: How Prepared Is South Sudan?

As South Sudan approaches its first national elections since independence in 2011, concerns about its readiness have mounted. The international community, particularly the United Nations, has highlighted several obstacles that.

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Mauritius Ranked Second Most Powerful Passport in Africa

Immigration policies, among several other obstacles, complicate global travel, creating a stark contrast with the technological advancements of today’s society. It is ironic that the very technology that has turned.

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Africa’s Malnutrition Makeover: Rethinking Food Security Strategies

For decades, malnutrition has cast a long shadow over Africa. This problem is not merely about hunger, but about a lack of access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that.

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A Look at Africa’s Urban Planning and Infrastructure Development

Urban planning and infrastructure development have been persistent challenges for Africa since the pre-independence era. The continent’s rapid urbanisation has intensified concerns regarding these issues, necessitating a response that transcends.

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African Philanthropy is on the Rise and Here’s Why

Philanthropy has historically been seen as an act of benevolence from the West to Africa, reinforcing the perception of an impoverished continent reliant on foreign assistance. However, African homegrown foundations.

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