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Arik Air Sponsors Enugu Day Fundraiser in Maryland, USA with Two round trip tickets to Nigeria

We are proud to announce that Arik Air, a Nigerian owned international Airlines, has agreed to sponsor our Enugu State Association Washington DC Domestic Violence Fundraiser with two (2) round.

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Namibia listed As Africa’s Top Mining Destination

Fraser Institute, the Canadian-based research house and think tank, this week named Namibia as Africa’s second most liked mining destination after Botswana. According to the annual survey conducted by Fraser.

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Dubai Islamic Bank Eyes Expansion Into African Markets

Dubai Islamic Bank, UAE largest sharia-compliant lender, has revealed plans to expand its operations to Kenya and other African countries as well as Indonesia, as it seeks growth for its.

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U.S. Supports Nigerian Democratic Process With U.S.$15 Million

The United States Consular General in Nigeria, Jeffry Hawkins has disclosed that the US is supporting the Nigerian democratic process with $15million. He also expressed shock at the gruesome murder.

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“When resources are degraded, we start competing for them, whether it is at the local level, where we had tribal clashes over land and water, or at the global level, where.

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EDITORIAL: 2014 An Important Political year for Nigeria

Nigeria, Africa’s largest nation in terms of population and second largest in terms of GDP is without a doubt a very important country in the 55- Nation Continent of Africa..

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ALM PUBLISHER’S PORCH: Equality for Women is Progress For all

For the today’s African woman owes her societal standing and pockets of achievement to the long and difficult road taken by Amazons of the past, women leaders of old who.

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Top 5 Banking Opportunities In Africa

The rise of sub-Saharan Africa’s banking sector has been incredible. Coupled with emergence as one of Africa’s fastest growing sectors, compared to its relatively unexplored (and approach with caution) status.

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