Concern Raised Over Kenya Anti-Terror Bill
17/12/2014By Eugene Okumu The security Bill if passed into law will be a step in destroying the foundations of the Constitution of Kenya, the International Center for Policy and Conflict.
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By Eugene Okumu The security Bill if passed into law will be a step in destroying the foundations of the Constitution of Kenya, the International Center for Policy and Conflict.
Tanzania’s Attorney General Frederick Werema has resigned, making him the first casualty of a corruption scandal that has rocked the government. MPs last month called accused him of authorising the.
Kenya’s Energy Regulatory Commission cut the maximum retail prices of petroleum products on Sunday. Kenya’s Energy Regulatory Commission cut the maximum retail prices of petroleum. PHOTO: mexicoinstitute This was because.
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While 140 million Americans were shopping over this Black Friday holiday here, millions more were shopping online on two huge retailers whose names you’ve probably never heard of: Jumia, headquartered.