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Breaking: 9th ALM Africa Summit Moves to The Dorchester Hotel, London

Portsmouth, United Kingdom, July 3, 2024. The African Leadership Magazine (ALM) announces a change of venue for the prestigious African Summit 2024. Originally set for July 17-18, 2024, at the.

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The Impact of Global Supply Chain Disruptions on African Economies

Global supply chains are the lifeblood of the modern economy, facilitating the movement of goods, services, and capital across borders. Disruptions in these supply chains have deep impacts on economies.

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Italy’s Mattei Plan: Visionary Blueprint or Unattainable Dream?

The Italian government has revealed its readiness to embark on a path of operations. A part that is quite different from its regular mode of operation. The Italian Prime minister,.

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Africa’s Achievements in the War Against HIV/AIDS

Africa’s fight against HIV/AIDS is a hard-won victory against a monumental challenge. The combined efforts of generous international donors and strategic initiatives spearheaded by African leaders have brought about this.

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Alleviating Hunger: The Politics of Food Subsidies in Africa

Food insecurity continues to plague Africa, with millions of people struggling with hunger and malnutrition despite concerted efforts by governments and international organizations. To effectively address this pressing issue, a.

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Is Africa the Unspoken Pillar of European Currency and Economy

The economic ties between Africa and Europe are multifaceted. While often portrayed as a one-way street of aid and resources flowing from Europe to Africa, the reality is different. Africa.

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Green Initiatives: African Banks and Climate Policies

In the face of pressing climate challenges, the financial sector has become a key player in guiding the global economy towards sustainability. While traditionally seen as lagging, African banks are.

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Maritime Security: Efforts to Protect African Waters

Maritime security plays a crucial role in Africa’s economic development and regional stability, given the continent’s extensive coastline of over 30,000 kilometers. These waters are important for international trade, fishing,.

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