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Africa: Over 250 Marginalised Women Climb Mount Kilimanjaro to Advocate Women Rights

  More than 250 marginalised women in Africa will later this year climb Mount Kilimanjaro to advocate women’s rights towards accessing natural resources, an official said on Sunday. Mount Kilimanjaro.

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Why UK-Based North Korean Diplomat Defected to South Korea

The second highest ranking official at North Korea’s embassy in London has defected to South Korea, according to the South Korean Unification Ministry. Thae Yong Ho has arrived with his.

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Al-Shabab Is Now a “Transnational” Organization- IGAD

The militant group al-Shabab, once a threat primarily in Somalia, has grown and expanded its aspirations, operations and aims, and is preparing to wage a long war in East Africa,.

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Zambia’s Reputation as Stable Haven Tested After Contentious Poll

Anita Powell These are worrying times in Zambia, a southern African nation that takes pride in its peaceful, democratic history. After the president won re-election by what seems like an.

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International Forum On African Leadership

Background and Introduction African Leadership magazine is putting together this forum, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, as a global platform for showcasing the continent’s contributions to.

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Ivorian Children Join Digital Revolution

By Emilie Iob Lined up along the wall of what used to be a living room, a dozen children — some as young as 10 — are focused on their.

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Africa Can Win as Post-Brexit UK Builds New Trading Relationships

      By Martin Roche (Contributor)   As the world now knows, after more than 40 years of membership the UK is to quit the European Union. Britain’s future.

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South Africa: Curro First-Half Profit Jumps 51% on Acquisitions and Demand

South Africa’s biggest private education firm Curro Holdings reported a 51 percent surge in half-year profit on Tuesday, helped by acquisitions and growing demand for private education. Headline earnings, the.

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