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South Africa’s Energy Transformation: What Investors Need to Know

South Africa’s energy sector has long been dominated by coal, which accounts for approximately 70% of the country’s electricity generation. Eskom, the state-owned power utility, has been at the center.

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Why Africa is becoming a hub for innovative fashion

The global fashion narrative has long centered around European cities like Paris and Milan. However, Africa is now asserting itself as a hub for progressive fashion. This is driven by.

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Leadership Lessons from Thriving Innovative Energy Startups in Botswana

With a pressing need to diversify its economy and ensure sustainable development, Botswana is harnessing the potential of renewable energy and technological innovation. Led by visionary entrepreneurs who are not.

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Afrofuturism: Reimagining The Future Through Black Lens

Afrofuturism is a cultural movement that reimagines the future from an African perspective. This movement seeks to reclaim and re-center African stories, voices, and experiences. Afrofuturist stories are challenging dominant.

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Balancing Budget Deficits During Economic Crises in Africa

Economic crises pose significant challenges to governments worldwide, often necessitating extraordinary measures to stabilize economies and protect citizens. One of the critical aspects of managing an economy during a crisis.

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From Policy to Practice: Africa’s Affirmative Action Milestones

The concept of affirmative action in Africa has its roots in the early post-independence era, where the need to redress colonial legacies of inequality became apparent. However, it was not.

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Safeguarding Refugees Amid Regional Challenges in Tanzania

Eastern and Central Africa have been the references on the topic of conflicts and rising food insecurity. These problems have facilitated the surge of refugees and migrants fleeing their native.

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Road Safety in Africa: Insights from WHO’s Report

Road safety is a pressing global issue, with road traffic injuries ranking as a leading cause of death worldwide. Globally, approximately 1.3 million people die each year as a result.

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