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Harm Reduction Should Be Central to Effective Public Health Strategies

  By Barnabas Thondhlana DUBAI: Scientists, healthcare providers, policymakers and private sector companies met in Dubai for the first ever Middle East and Africa (MEA) Health Forum on ‘Harm Reduction.

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Nigeria’s Anti-Graft War Is More Robust Now Than Before- Hon. Oladele

Hon. Kayode Oladele is a member of the Nigerian House of Representatives, representing Imeko Afon/Yewa North Federal Constituency in Ogun state, Nigeria. He is currently the chairman, House committee on.

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UN Set to Appoint New Secretary-General

The United Nations is expected to appoint former Portugal Prime Minister Antonio Guterres as Secretary-General Thursday. U.N. General Assembly President Peter Thompson said in a statement he hopes the 193-member.

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Burundi Parliament Votes Overwhelmingly to Leave International Criminal Court

Burundi’s parliament voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to withdraw from the International Criminal Court, a move no other country has taken despite bitter complaints from Africa that the court disproportionately targets.

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The Key to Adaptable Companies Is Relentlessly Developing People

By Andy Fleming There are organizations that are great at what they do, that are relentless at it. But it turns out there are very few that are great and.

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Nigerian Banks Have Strong Buffers to Weather Crisis- Central Bank

  Nigeria’s banks are facing economic challenges but have strong capital buffers to weather the crisis, a central bank official said on Wednesday following a meeting with lenders. Nigeria, Africa’s.

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Chad President Says EU Needs Broader Approach to Curb Migration

The European Union must seek a deal with countries across Africa’s desert Sahel region if it wants to curb an influx of migrants, rather than focusing on bilateral deals with.

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8 Key Personality Types for Innovation Teams

By Tendayi Viki Bell Labs is historically one of the most productive R&D labs in history. A large number of the technologies we use today were invented there. Bell Labs.

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