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ICC gives Congo warlord Germain Katanga 12 years jail term

The International Criminal Court has sentenced ex-Congolese militia leader Germain Katanga to 12 years in prison for aiding and abetting war crimes. Katanga was found guilty in March, only the.

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Nigerian Star to Perform Along Side Other International stars At The World Music Awards

Nigerian-born musician “D’banj”, has been listed as one of the world music stars to perform at the 2014 World Music Awards (WMA) ceremony. The award, which is the 22nd edition,.

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African Development Bank (AfDB) and China Set Up $2 Billion Fund

The Chinese government and the African Development Bank have entered a new $2-billion (about Rwf 1.5 trillion) financing agreement setting up an Africa-wide investment vehicle dubbed, “Africa Growing Together Fund.”.

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Kenya to Spend Millions in Tourism Recovery

The Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) is set to spend Sh200 million in the sector’s recovery plan amidst travel advisories from key markets among them the United States, United Kingdom, Australia.

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US Commerce Secretary Canvasses For Investment In Nigeria

US Secretary of Commerce, Penny Pritzker has called for more US investment in Nigeria as she leads 20 American companies on an energy business development trade mission to West Africa.

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Africa Attracts Increased Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Despite Growing Insecurity – Report

Emerging economies continuously need Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for sustainable growth and development, with governments having recognized the importance of flow of financial capital in economies of countries, now making.

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Nigeria loses N1.3trn over decline in crude revenue

Nigeria lost N1.292 trillion in one year, as the country’s crude oil earnings dipped by 15.92 per cent to N6.825 trillion in 2013. This, according to data obtained from the.

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Mugabe ‘No Longer Fit to Govern’ Zimbabwe?

Reports of prostate cancer, an eye cataract, knee problems and a generally failing health due to old age have raised concerns about the 90-year-old’s ability to provide effective leadership to.

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