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The Ghana Leadership Awards, 14 September 2013, Accra Ghana

African Leadership magazine in this unique awards ceremony celebrates Ghana’s journey to becoming a model in Africa bu recognising the various key players and actors who have contributed to this.

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JUMIA: A Local African Entrepreneurial Success Story

Two young West Africans are taking e-commerce to the next level in Africa’s most populous nation – and soon to be the continent’s largest economy – Nigeria. Exploring the huge.

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Silicon Valley Icons Launch $10M Seed Fund for African Tech

A new seed capital fund committed to finding and investing in high-potential East African “pre-revenue” startups was launched Wednesday in Nairobi, Kenya. Savannah Fund, an East African-focused accelerator fund, aims.

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Regional Integration Is A Must For Africa

Throughout the post – war period, international trade has proven to be a key driver of growth for many countries, in particular for small economies. Although Africa has been growing.

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