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Thousands of Jobs At Risk Over Kenya NGO Law

NEW legislation to reduce foreign funding for NGOs could result in the loss of over 100,000 jobs. A proposed amendment to the Public Benefits Organisations Act of 2013 would cap.

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Conundrum Over Discordant U.S. & European Trade Policies

By Witney W. Schneidman Washington, DC — The Africa Leaders Summit, held in Washington in early August, marked a welcome and important turning point as trade and investment became a.

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Oil rich Angola Want To Make Global Impact

Angola’s recent election to the UN Security Council is part of a wider bid to polish its veteran president’s image and transform the fast emerging oil-rich country into a regional.

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Emerging Opportunities From Fixing Africa’s Power Infrastructure

Sub-Saharan Africa —home to six out of 10 of the fastest growing economies in the world – is challenged to maintain the impressive growth rates of close to 5 percent.

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Tunisia prepares for historic parliamentary elections

Tunisians head to the polls on Sunday for a historic parliamentary vote that will push the country further along the path to democracy than any of its Arab Spring counterparts..

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The African Leadership Forum And Awards – Dubai

Africa has emerged as a region of stunning economic growth. It is the site of economic innovation and opportunity, business leadership, and rapid hopeful change. But continued social and economic.

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Help Us: Liberian President Writes A Touching letter To The World On Ebola

  Liberian President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has written a touching letter to the world to ask for help in putting an end to theEbola outbreak which has brought her country.

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Botswana Heads for Tough Elections

Close to a million Batswana will go to the polls on 24 October in parliamentary and local government elections that are expected to be closely contested. With a day to.

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