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Tunisia Raises Domestic Electricity and Gas Prices

Tunisia has raised the prices of domestic electricity and gas, a government official has said, in the latest in a series of price hikes in a country whose public finances.

AU Launches Global Dialogue On Drug Demand Reduction – Uniting to Face Challenge of Addiction

On the sidelines of the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) conference “Uniting the Global Community to Face the Challenge of Addiction”, which kicked off on Thursday, 12 May.

Central African bank regulator reminds states of crypto ban

Central Africa’s regional banking regulators sent out a reminder on Friday about its ban on cryptocurrencies, weeks after the Central African Republic, a member state, made bitcoin legal tender. The.

Mali’s military junta pulls out of regional G5 Sahel force

Mali is pulling out of a multi-national military force in West Africa’s Sahel region combatting an Islamist insurgency, the country’s military junta said in a statement on Sunday. The G5.

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Wins Somali Presidential Election

Former Somali President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, has been re-elected as the 10th president of Somalia, defeating incumbent President Mohamed Farmajo in the third round of votes held in Mogadishu on.

The Rise and Rise of the African Music Industry

The Phrase ‘Africa Rising’ is no longer applicable only when we want to talk about the Continent’s Economy, innovations or business space, it is obvious that the phrase could equally.

African Business Leadership Awards (ABLA) 2022

African Business Leadership Awards (ABLA) is a flagship programme to recognise exceptional corporate practices and outstanding achievements in the African business landscape, as well as contributions to the continent’s inclusive.

Building a Climate Conscious Generation

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing today’s society. It doesn’t matter where you live or how old you are; climate change affects your life and will continue.

Nomlayo Mabhena – Youngest-ever Black Female Attorney Transforms the Legal Space

Nomlayo Mabhena is known for being the youngest-ever Black female attorney admitted as a conveyancer. She was just 23 years old when she successfully completed her qualification at the University.