African Child Development: Why it Matters

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The development of children in Africa can never be over-emphasized even though it has remained a pressing issue that has far-reaching implications for the continent’s future.


Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani female education activist once said, “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.” Let us commit to changing the world by investing in the development of African children.”


As of 2023, Africa boasts the world’s youngest population, with an estimated 43% under the age of 15 according to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). This demographic presents a golden opportunity. Africa’s child population will reach 1 billion by 2055, making it the largest child population among all continents, according to UNICEF. However, neglecting the critical needs of this burgeoning generation can translate into missed opportunities and social challenges.


Numerous hurdles impede African child development, including poverty, limited access to education and healthcare, malnutrition, and exposure to violence. With the World Bank reporting that over 40% of Africans live below the international poverty line, poverty remains a major obstacle. This translates into inadequate access to nutritious food, healthcare, and quality education – foundational pillars for healthy growth and cognitive development. Addressing these issues is not only a moral imperative but also crucial for the socio-economic growth and stability of African nations.


Investing in the Early Years: Why It Matters

The first 1,000 days of a child’s life, from conception to age 2, are recognized as a critical window for rapid brain development.  Research from the World Bank highlights the long-term benefits of ECD, including increased educational attainment, higher future earnings, and improved social outcomes.


A study published in the Journal of Development Studies found that children who participated in a high-quality ECD program in rural Uganda displayed significantly better cognitive skills and school readiness compared to their non-participating counterparts.


While acknowledging the challenges, it’s crucial to recognize the existing strengths within African communities. The continent has a strong emphasis on family and community support.  Professor of Child Development, Kathryn Hurdley, emphasized the importance of understanding “Indigenous formulations of child development and socialisation values” embedded within African traditions. Building upon these strengths alongside evidence-based interventions can pave the way for a more holistic approach to child development.


Strategies for Promoting African Child Development

Improving Access to Education

Promoting African child development requires enhancing education access. This can be achieved through reducing costs, building safe, accessible schools, especially in rural areas, and implementing gender-sensitive policies. These include banning child marriage and providing scholarships for girls, which can help address disparities and ensure equal access to quality education for all children.


Enhancing Healthcare Access

To enhance healthcare access for children, comprehensive health education, healthcare infrastructure, and training of healthcare providers are essential. Teaching children about health, hygiene, and nutrition can prevent diseases and promote healthy lifestyles. Building clinics and hospitals equipped to meet children’s needs can improve health outcomes. Ensuring healthcare providers offer child-friendly, culturally sensitive care can enhance service quality.


Combating Child Labor and Exploitation

To combat child labor and exploitation, legal frameworks must be strengthened, awareness campaigns should be conducted to educate communities about the harmful effects of child labor, and support services like education, vocational training, and social protection should be provided to help children and their families escape the cycle of exploitation and poverty.


For instance, Ethiopia has made significant progress in improving access to education through the implementation of the General Education Quality Improvement Program (GEQIP), leading to increased enrollment rates and improved educational outcomes. Between 2000 and 2018, the primary school net enrollment rate increased from 51% to 97%.


Kenya has also made progress in improving child health through initiatives like the Free Maternity Services program, which has increased access to maternal and child healthcare services, reducing maternal and infant mortality rates. The Kenya Nutrition Action Plan (KNAP) has also contributed to improved child health outcomes.


READ ALSO: African Women Pioneering Multilateral Diplomacy on a Global Stage


The complete approach to child development goes beyond academics.  It encompasses nurturing social and emotional well-being, fostering creativity, and equipping children with life skills.  Programs that encourage positive discipline, and healthy coping mechanisms are crucial for well-rounded development.


Community engagement is equally vital. Empowering families through access to information and resources, alongside training for community caregivers, can make a difference. Grassroots organizations working on the ground often possess invaluable insights and experience. Supporting their work is crucial for reaching the most vulnerable children.

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